Vbscript Get Serial Number Of Monitor

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Vbscript get serial number of monitor 2Get

Here is a quick command that you can use to find the Serial Number of your machine. To find the serial number, open command prompt (cmd) and type the following command. C:wmic bios get serialnumber. This will give you your machine’s serial number by pulling the information from BIOS. This is how it will look like.

Active3 years, 9 months ago

I am using the vb.net code bellow to try to get the monitor serial number of any computer on the network. The code works well for a local computer but I got 0 as result for remote computers. However, with the same logic of the code, I can get other values on remote computers like the ManufacturerName by instead. I ran a WMI Code Creator and I also got 0 as result for a remote computer. Using a vbscript I could get the right serial number, so I know the result from the vb code is wrong. I would appreciate any help.

JC Nunez
  • Oct 05, 2011  Command to pull serial number from a monitor? Hi, I am looking for a psexec command to get the serial number from the monitor; monitor model as well but not important. I can get the computer model and serial these ways; psexec computer wmic bios get serialnumber and psexec computer wmic csproduct get name.
  • Command to pull serial number from a monitor? Hi, I am looking for a psexec command to get the serial number from the monitor; monitor model as well but not important. I can get the computer model and serial these ways; psexec computer wmic bios get serialnumber and psexec computer wmic csproduct get name.
JC NunezJC Nunez

1 Answer

Well, at the end I could not find a way to use the WMIMonitorId class to get the serial number of a remote computer from a .NET App. However, I needed that value. So, I got a very good vbs script from https://www.itsupportguides.com/vbs-scripts/vbs-script-get-monitor-serial-number-remotely/. I have to say that the author did a very good job. So, I am calling that script from my visuaL basic app, sending as argument the computer name and then wait for the vbscript to finish. I also changed the sript to allow it to update my access database. In that way, everytime a new computer is entered to the data base from my App, I could also get its monitor information.

JC NunezJC Nunez

Vbscript Get Serial Number Of Monitor System

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